Patients and Visitors
When you’re at St. Luke’s, you’re family.
Our mission is to provide you with a level of healthcare we want our own loved ones to receive. This mission guides everything we do, from our extensive amenities to the staff and volunteers who can help you with your special needs.
Here is some helpful information for patients and visitors that will help make your visit to St. Luke’s Hospital as convenient and comfortable as possible. If you don’t find the information you're looking for here, our hospital volunteers or staff members will be glad to help you.
Visiting Hours & Quiet Time
St. Luke's believes having visitors and family present during hospitalization may help patients in their recovery. In addition, we recognize the rights of patients to have visitors while they are hospitalized. Visitors are typically welcome from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., although some units may have more limited visiting policies that meet the need of their patients. In addition, we observe a quiet time from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. each day.
Places to Eat & Stay
Located in the A Avenue lobby, Java City offers a variety of gourmet coffee, tea, sodas, blended drinks, baked goods and sandwiches.
- Monday – Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. & 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
- Saturday & Sunday: 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. & 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m.
The cafeteria is located on the main level of the hospital, just off the B elevators.
- Breakfast: 6-10 a.m.
- Lunch: 10:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
- Dinner: 4:45-7:15 p.m.
- Micro Market 24/7
If you're looking for accommodations close to the hospital, rooms and suites in a variety of price ranges are available throughout the Cedar Rapids area. Several facilities have a special rate available for families of patients.
The Cedar Rapids Tourism office has a listing of hotels and places to stay in our community.
A Ronald McDonald Family Room is an area set aside inside a medical facility serving pediatric patients intended to serve as a quiet rest area for family members of children admitted to the hospital for treatment. It is intended to be a "home away from home" when a parent needs a break from the "hospital environment." These areas provide families a place to rest and recharge while also keeping a family together during one of the most difficult times of their lives.
For more than 30 years, families of critically ill newborns, infants and children have trusted St. Luke's Hospital. St. Luke's and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Iowa & Western Illinois decided to partner and create Eastern Iowa's first Ronald McDonald Family Room at St. Luke's Hospital.
The Family Room is located on the second floor of the Helen G. Nassif Center for Women's and Children's Health. Families with children receiving treatment in either the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Pediatric unit may utilize a nearly 1150 square foot Ronald McDonald Family Room.
The facility includes:
- 3 sleeping rooms
- 2 shower suites
- laundry
- kitchen
- dining and living areas
Other amenities include a family meal program and a coffee and cookie cart provided by St. Luke's Hospital Volunteer Services.
The Ronald McDonald Family Room is staffed from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. The common areas are available to families 24-hours a day.
Interested in volunteering, donating a meal or have questions about the Ronald McDonald Family Room at St. Luke's Hospital?
Please contact the Family Room Manager at or (319) 500-RMHC (7642), option 9.
Individuals and businesses can help support this program by giving operational support and a volunteer program is instrumental in helping provide services.
- To give financial support, contact or (319) 500-RMHC (7642), option 2.
- If you are interested in volunteering, contact the Family Room Manager at or (319) 500-RMHC (7642), option 9.
What is the benefit of a Ronald McDonald Family Room?
When a child is critically ill, parents are reluctant to leave the hospital, yet they desperately need a break from the ongoing stress of beeping monitors and busy intensive care units. A Ronald McDonald Family Room offers a special place of respite, relaxation and privacy within hospital walls. It provides a small oasis of calm and normalcy within the tense, chaotic, medical setting - yet parents are just steps from their child's bedside.
What is the Family Room like?
This Ronald McDonald Family Room has a kitchen, dining space, computer space, family space, fireplace and a television. It also has three sleeping rooms for naps and overnight stays, as well as two shower suites and laundry.
Who can stay at the Ronald McDonald Family Room?
A Ronald McDonald Family Room can serve dual roles. Families from farther distances often welcome the opportunity to grab a quick snack or close their eyes without leaving the hospital. The Family Room also serves local families who may live nearby, but do not want to leave the hospital for a meal or a shower. The Ronald McDonald Family Room at St. Luke's Hospital will focus on families of NICU and Pediatric patients. Families from anywhere in the world are eligible to stay at the Ronald McDonald Family Room at St. Luke's Hospital or the Ronald McDonald House of Iowa City.
How is the Ronald McDonald Family Room connected to the Ronald McDonald House Charities?
Founded in 1985, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Iowa & Western Illinois (RMHC-EIWI) creates, finds and supports programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children. RMHC-EIWI provides care and comfort to children and their families by supporting the 31-room "home away from home" Ronald McDonald House of Iowa City. Additional programs include a Ronald McDonald Family Room at St. Luke's Hospital in Cedar Rapids, and Ronald McDonald Family Room at University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital in Iowa City.
The Sanctuary
The Sanctuary is located in the Vyrl and Martha Justice Chapel, in the A Avenue lobby. It is open 24 hours a day and is a place of peace, meditation and spiritual healing. Sacred texts from a variety of faith traditions are available, as well as other resources that you may find beneficial. We welcome you to use this space as a place to relax, get centered and find peace as you nurture your spirit.
St. Luke's Spiritual Care
Everyone has a story. You might say that your life is a story. Relationships with family members and friends, your career path, hobbies, belief system – all combine to tell the world who you are and what you are all about. Whether you follow an organized religion or have your own personal faith, we all have a core belief system that guides our actions and how we view the world. All of this comes together to define your spirituality.
Illness and injuries not only interrupt our lives, but they also become part of our story. Chaplains want to help you stay grounded in the story that is truly you. For some, this means turning to God to find hope and meaning. For others, it means help adapting to a "new normal" as the illness impacts day-to-day living. Our chaplains will walk beside you and support you as you navigate your own personal journey towards wholeness.
St. Luke's Spiritual Care Team
The Spiritual Care Department is comprised of specially trained Board-Certified Chaplains and Associate Chaplains who can accompany you on your journey, regardless of your faith background, and help you stay connected to your spirituality. Our chaplains offer a variety of services to help you during your stay, including:
- A listening, nonjudgmental presence
- Support in times of crisis or stress
- Exploring meaning, purpose and hope
- End-of-life support
- Education and assistance in completing Advance Directives
- Grief support for those experiencing a loss
- Prayer and religious rituals
- Sacred texts and devotional materials
- Support for staff
- Advocating for patients and families as difficult decisions are made
Requesting a Visit
- Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.: You may contact a chaplain directly from a hospital phone by dialing 7347, or from outside the hospital at (319) 369-7347
- After Hours & Weekends: Please dial 0 and ask for the chaplain on call
- You may also let your nurse know that you would like to speak with a chaplain, and they will be happy to contact one for you
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)
St. Luke’s Hospital believes in the importance of quality spiritual care and is committed to help train future chaplains, seminarians and area clergy. Each year we partner with a certified educator to provide opportunities for Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at St. Luke’s. Availability is limited. Those interested should contact the Spiritual Care Office at (319) 369-7347.
St. Luke's Floral and Gifts offers a wide variety of unique gifts, magazines and cards.
- Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Saturday: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Sunday: Closed