Water vs. Sports Drinks: What's Best for our Bodies

As temperatures heat up, many of us find ourselves reaching for a cool drink to stay hydrated. When is it appropriate to grab a sports or electrolyte drink, and when is it best to go with water? Andrew Nish, MD, UnityPoint Health, helps us understand what the best drinks are for hydration.
What's the Best Drink for Hydration?
Sports and electrolyte drinks may seem like the perfect way to quench your thirst when working out, but according to Dr. Nish, there’s a very limited group of people who should drink them. The recommendation is for adults and children to only have sports drinks during extended and heavy exercise that lasts longer than an hour.
“Water, water and water should be the beverage of choice for hydration before, during and after physical activity or exercise routines lasting less than one hour,” Dr. Nish says.
Nish says it’s best to drink 16 ounces of water, not a sports drink, two hours before intense exercise.
After prolonged and strenuous activity, rehydration should be done with water, if the athlete was consuming sports drinks during the actual event. However, eight to 16 ounces of a sports drink isn't unreasonable following an intense and long workout.
Benefits of Sports and Electrolyte Drinks
- Carbohydrates: If you perform strenuous exercises for more than an hour, it’s a good idea to add a carbohydrate source. Dr. Nish says fluid containing carbohydrates can be consumed at 30 - 60 grams per hour. Most sports drinks provide two to 19 grams of carbohydrate per eight ounces. Carbohydrates come in the form of sugars or polymerized glucose.
- Sodium: All sports drinks contain some sodium, usually between 35 - 200 mg per eight ounces. Sodium helps the body retain water.
- Potassium: Most sports drinks have 15 - 90 mg of potassium per eight ounces. Dr. Nish suggests choosing a drink higher in sodium, if you participate in prolonged endurance events or are heavily sweating.
- Amino acids: Some sports drinks also contain amino acids, which are said to enhance muscle recovery. Dr. Nish says most children and adults eating a well-balanced diet don't need this additive.
Are Sports Drinks Unhealthy?
Sports drinks were designed for people performing intense physical activity. In fact, the original sports drink, Gatorade, was developed to help replenish carbohydrates and electrolytes in high intensity athletes at the University of Florida in 1965.
“These drinks were never intended to be consumed by the general public, but unfortunately, they've been marketed to the masses with the underlying message that if you drink these, you'll become a great athlete. Unfortunately, most people just gain weight,” Dr. Nish says.
Sports drinks, electrolyte drinks or any sugary drinks, like juice, lemonade, soda or Kool-Aid, shouldn't be consumed for meals or snacks and shouldn't replace water. These sugary drinks often lead to excessive caloric intake and substantially increase the risk of obesity in both children and adults.
Drinking too many sugary sports drinks also leads to tooth enamel erosion. Dr. Nish says that’s because most sports drinks have a pH between three and four, which is associated with enamel demineralization.
How to Hydrate Fast Without Sports Drinks
- Infused water: For the average person, these offer no advantages and contain lots of sugar. Some have up to eight teaspoons per serving. As far as the vitamins, Dr. Nish says people should get all they need from a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and nuts.
- Sparkling (carbonated) water: Sparkling water is just as hydrating as still water, which makes it a great option to hydrate fast. For some people, the carbonation makes sparkling water more appealing than still water.
- Coconut water: Coconut water has very low levels of carbohydrates, as well as small amounts of sodium and potassium. It adds nothing over water during a workout.
- Milk: It's been touted as a good recovery drink, because it provides carbohydrates, protein, electrolytes and vitamin D. Dr. Nish says a few studies compare milk with sports drinks, and they show little difference in the two as far as athletic performance. However, he reiterates, this only applies to strenuous, prolonged exercise and not short duration, low-intensity activity.
- Energy drinks: Many children and adolescents don’t differentiate sports and energy drinks. Energy drinks contain a lot of sugar, but more importantly, they also have added stimulants, like caffeine. Dr. Nish says children should never consume energy drinks due to the threat of caffeine overdose.
How Much Water Do You Need?
The average person should drink eight to 12 ounces of water each hour during the heat of summer. If you're in the heat for several hours, Dr. Nish suggests consuming 12 - 16 ounces a couple hours before you step outside.
How to Know if Your Body is Dehydrated
“Look at the color of your urine for signs of proper hydration. Light yellow or clear urine means you're hydrated. Dark, concentrated urine means you don't have enough fluid on board,” Dr. Nish says.
If you're thirsty, it’s a sign you’ve waited too long to drink water. Signs of dehydration include dry mouth, cracked lips, decrease in urine output and dark urine, irritability, drowsiness, dry skin, low energy, headache and extreme thirst.
The Bottom Line
“Save your money and drink water,” Dr. Nish says.
Water should be the primary hydration source for children and adults, and sports drinks should only be used during high intensity and prolonged athletic events.
If you have questions about proper hydration during exercise, talk to your doctor.