In-Person Event

Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP®) - Provider Course-KIRKWOOD PARAMEDICS ONLY

By registering for this course you are agreeing with the conditions of this simulation agreement:Simulation Agreement Our basic assumptions:We believe…

By registering for this course you are agreeing with the conditions of this simulation agreement:

Simulation Agreement


Our basic assumptions:

We believe the environment must be safe to make learning possible. We believe that learning is a reciprocal process, in which all participants have the opportunity to learn. We believe participants taking part in simulation activities are intelligent and well-trained human beings. We believe that all learners intend to do their very best and participate with the desire to improve themselves professionally and personally.

Expectations of Participants:

1.    To take the simulation experience seriously with a desire to improve how you think and perform in the clinical environment.

2.    To actively participate in the simulation exercise and debriefing discussions maintaining respect for your coworker(s) and facilitator(s).

3.    To maintain strict confidentiality regarding the simulation exercise. It is imperative to not share any information about the scenario or your coworkers.

Expectations of Facilitator:

1.    To provide a safe and respectful learning environment.

2.    To participate in the debriefing session with the intent to help everyone learn.

3.    To maintain strict confidentiality about the simulation exercise from talking about specific participants.


**Video recording is used to assist in the learning experience. Video recording will not be kept unless permission is obtained from all participants.

Event Location