Trinity Muscatine Public Health

Number of patients waiting reflects the current number of patients waiting to be seen. This number changes frequently and is not exact.
Planning For a Healthier Muscatine County
Trinity Muscatine Public Health provides health education, wellness, and outreach activities for individuals and groups within Muscatine County and the surrounding area.
Trinity Muscatine Public Health (TMPH) is contracted by Muscatine County to provide essential public health services for the residents of Muscatine County, working in coordination with the Muscatine County Board of Health. We also have a number of grants to provide additional health-related services to residents in Cedar, Louisa and Muscatine Counties.
Hours and Directions
Hours of Operation
- Monday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Thursday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Muscatine County Community Health Documents
Click below to view the various reports.
Community Health & Communicable Disease
We're working hard to detect, control, and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. We review communicable disease reports, investigate illnesses, and utilize consistent reporting from local partners to monitor the health of our community.
Our Communicable Disease Program provides:
- Investigation of the source of communicable diseases
- Surveillance of communicable diseases
- Notification to the public of their risk for communicable diseases
- Control measures to prevent the spread of the diseases
- Education on the importance of prevention and impact of infectious diseases
Common reportable communicable disease fact sheets from the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services may be found at:
Community Health Services
The Iowa Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.
You may qualify for free cancer screenings if;
- You are 21 years old or older and
- Your household income is at or below 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Level
Care for Yourself may cover;
- Clinical breast exam
- Mammogram
- Pap test and/or HPV test
- Pelvic exam
- Diagnostic tests
- Assistance with transportation
- Assistance making appointments
Please visit for more information or call Public Health at 563-263-0122.
Our nurses provide direct care to people diagnosed with a TB infection or TB disease. People with a primary healthcare provider or specialist may have their care coordinated through Trinity Muscatine Public Health and their personal physician.
We also provide contact investigation and follow up to individuals who may have been exposed to someone with TB, in order to prevent spread of the disease.
Rabies information for the public.
City of Muscatine
Animal Control Officer/Muscatine
312 East Fifth St.
Muscatine, IA 52761
(563) 263-9922
City of West Liberty
West Liberty Police Dept.
409 North Calhoun Street
West Liberty, IA 52772
(319) 627-2223
City of Wilton
Wilton Police Dept.
P.O. Box 27
Wilton, IA 52778
(563) 732-2311
Remaining Muscatine County
Muscatine County Sheriff's Dept.
400 Walnut Street
Muscatine, IA 52761
(563) 264-0188
The best protection against the flu and COVID-19 is to get vaccinated.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone over the age of 6 months should get vaccinated against the flu.
It is important to get vaccinated each year to prevent illness from the viruses that will be common during the upcoming season as viruses change every year.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following:
- Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines.
- Learn about the different vaccines available.
Please call Trinity Muscatine Public Health to receive your flu OR COVID-19 vaccine.
We never outgrow the need for vaccinations. Annual flu shots are recommended for everyone and we all need tetanus boosters every 10 years. Adult vaccines are paid for at the time of vaccination. Prices vary by type of vaccine. Please call us at (563) 263-0122 to schedule an appointment or for current pricing.
Adult immunization services available include:
- Td/Tdap boosters
- Annual flu vaccine
The Healthy Pregnancy Program can help people who reside in Louisa and Muscatine counties. We encourage healthy behaviors to deliver healthy babies for all.
Healthy Pregnancy Programming includes:
- Help with finding a doctor or dentist for medical/dental care.
- Help in obtaining health coverage.
- Referral to community resources and services.
- Health education and support on a variety of topics.
- Oral health screenings, fluoride varnish applications, referral to treatment.
- Assistance in arranging transportation and translation services.
Are you pregnant and needing additional support? Call (563) 263-0122 to schedule an appointment.
We work to help protect the community against threats such as health pandemics (viral outbreaks & influenza), biological or chemical agents and natural disasters.
Download FEMA's Emergency Preparedness Document "Are You Ready?"
A Community Health Assessment is required by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services every five years. To qualify for tax-exempt status, hospitals must also conduct a community health assessment every three years. A joint Community Health Assessment and Improvement Plan is approved by the Muscatine County Board of Health and UnityPoint Health - Trinity Muscatine Board of Directors on a three-year rotation.
Learn more by visiting the Diabetes page.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) year-long program helps develop lifestyle changes to improve food choices (to lose 5-7% of your body weight) and increase your physical activity. Without making lifestyle changes, many people with pre-diabetes can develop type 2 diabetes within five years. Type 2 diabetes is a serious condition that can lead to health issues such as heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, or loss of toes, feet or legs.
This CDC recognized year-long program starts with weekly video or in-person lessons in the first 6 months, then progresses to monthly sessions. A trained Lifestyle Coach will provide personalized support, guidance and education every step of the way.
For more information about this life changing program and all fees associated, please call Trinity Muscatine Public Health at (563) 263-0122.
We look forward to joining you on this journey to improve your health and reduce your risk for Type 2 diabetes.
Child & Adolescent Services
The Coordinated Intake program is provided in Muscatine County and serves expecting parents and families with newborn children. Once enrolled in the program, families are connected to resources and community support services through a referral network of community service agencies.
This program is funded by Early Childhood Iowa Muscatine County and Shared Visions Program funding through the Iowa Department of Education. To learn more about Coordinated Intake and to enroll, please call our office at (563) 263-0122.
For more information, visit Care for Kids.
To learn more, visit Iowa Health & Human Services.
No family pays more than $40 a month. Some families pay nothing at all. A child who qualifies for Hawki health insurance will get their health coverage through a Managed Care Organization (MCO).
For more information, visit Iowa Health and Human Services.
Call the Trinity Muscatine Public Health at (563) 263-0122 between 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday to schedule an appointment. Please bring your child's immunization record to the clinic. Appointments are preferred, but walk-in immunizations may be accepted upon the availability of the clinical staff.
The Vaccines for Children Program (VFC) is intended to help raise childhood immunization levels, especially among infants and young children. The immunization program provides childhood immunizations for infants and children through age 18.
Children must meet at least one of these eligibility requirements to receive vaccines through the Vaccine for Children Program:
- Enrolled in Iowa Medicaid Program
- Have no health insurance
- Is American Indian or Alaskan Native
- Have health insurance that DOES NOT pay for vaccines
Vaccines Required by Iowa Law
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services Immunization Program
The Trinity Muscatine Public Health dental hygienist works to improve the dental support systems for Louisa and Muscatine County families. The dental hygienist is a resource for health care providers, schools and dental offices. These services are funded by Early Childhood Iowa, Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, United Way of Muscatine, as well as Muscatine Charities.
This program works to improve dental access for children and families by:
- Connecting families to dentists
- Helping families find dentists that are taking new patients and accept Iowa Medicaid coverage
- Informing families about the benefits of regular dental care
- Arranging dental visits and making referrals
- Coordinating dental care for families
- Making sure dental treatment needs are met
- Providing I-Smile services to any child who needs help accessing dental care or insurance
Children need regular dental care beginning at a very young age. Healthy teeth help children talk, eat, nourish their bodies and build confidence. Teeth begin to erupt at around six (6) months of age. To make sure teeth stay healthy, children should start seeing a dentist as soon as the first tooth erupts or by age one (1).
This program is funded by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine and the United Way of Muscatine.
The mission of our programming is to increase access to pregnancy prevention education for teens age 19 and under in order to decrease the number of pregnancies during adolescence. The program objectives are:
- Teens will have a more realistic view of responsibilities in parenting infants and identify reasons to postpone parenting.
- Increase the number of teens under 19 accessing reproductive health services including: pregnancy testing, STI screening/treatment, birth control and condoms.
- Reduce the incidence of subsequent pregnancies during adolescence by providing support services to adolescents who are pregnant and parenting.
- Increase knowledge about sexual health and realities of pregnancy.
TMPH social workers and outreach nurses work directly with teens on education about sexually transmitted infections and birth control, as well as counseling and access to services.
This program is funded by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, Communication Foundation of Greater Muscatine and the United Way of Muscatine.
- Advocates for quality child care in Henry, Louisa, Muscatine and Washington counties
- Educates child care providers and parents on health and safety issues
- Provides educational programs to children in child care on health and safety topics
- Assists child care providers and center directors in developing health and safety policies
- Assists child care providers to achieve and maintain a safe and healthy child care environment for all children, including those with special needs, through site visits, health and safety assessments, resource materials and consultations
- Collaborates with other local and regional service providers to enhance total services available for child care providers
For additional information, please visit the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services.
This program is funded by the Muscatine Community School District and Scott County Kids.
- Lead can harm children’s growth and development and many children don’t show symptoms. Childhood lead exposure is preventable.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends testing children at 12 months and 24 months, and again at 36 months if they are high risk for lead exposure.
- Children are at an increased risk for lead exposure if they live or spend significant time in a home build in 1978 or before, have a parent that works with lead materials, or are around toys or food that might contain lead.
- Lead testing at Trinity Muscatine Public Health is available for children ages six months to five years old with Medicaid or without insurance. To schedule an appointment, call (563) 263-0122.
- Iowa offers free drinking water lead testing kits for at-risk homes through the Get The Lead Out program. Follow this link to see if you qualify:
Learn more about Lead Prevention and testing:
Reproductive and Sexual Health Services
Confidential, low-cost, preventative health care for all genders
Reproductive and sexual health services fall under the federal program and through The Family Planning Council of Iowa.
Services may include:
- Birth Control – Many options available - find the best fit for your lifestyle
- Emergency Contraceptives
- Free condoms
- Pregnancy Testing and Resources
- Education – avoiding unplanned pregnancies, how to use condoms, safe sex practices, and contraceptive use
- Sexually Transmitted Infections – Testing & treatment
- General Health Screenings – for all genders – blood pressure, height, weight, education on healthy relationships, and mental health screenings
- Annual Wellness Exams – reproductive exam may include Pap test (for cervical cancer), breast exam, pelvic exam, and birth control education
- Lactation Consultation Services
- Private Services for all Ages
Our fees are adjustable based on your household income. We work with you to make sure all of our services are affordable.
Confidential Services for Teens
If you are a teen, you do not need your parent's permission for these services. It is confidential by the law in Iowa. We encourage you to talk to a trusted adult about your decisions and visiting us. You are welcome to visit our clinic for birth control, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, STI testing and treatment, and sexual health education.
Muscatine County COVID-19 Vaccine
To protect yourself, your loved ones and your community, all individuals should get the COVID-19 vaccine. If you're ready to schedule a vaccine appointment, please call public health or visit
Muscatine County Board of Health
Board of Health Meetings
The Board meets at the Trinity Muscatine Public Health Building, 1609 Cedar Street, Muscatine, the third Wednesday of every other month (odd months) at Noon. Meetings are open to the public.
For more information and for a list of board members, please visit the Muscatine County Board of Health website.