
Cardiologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases relating to the heart and its vessels. When your primary physician suggests you see a heart specialist, the Cardiology Clinic at GCMH connects you with specialty care for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation from heart disease.

The Cardiology Clinic is at the hospital every week on Wednesday to provide:

  • Medical management of hypertension, angina, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, and congestive heart failure
  • Cardiac Disorder Consultation and Treatment
  • Preventative Cardiology
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation

A visit to a specialist at the Grundy County Memorial Hospital Specialty Clinics means you'll receive professional health care in a convenient, close-to-home setting.  When you have questions, you can call the hospital's Specialty Clinic Staff to receive assistance and be connected with the medical specialty you need.